>Tornadoes and Volcanoes

>Yesterday we had a huge storm hit our area.  For the first time in a long time we actually heard the Emergency Weather sirens going off, and took shelter in our basement. 

It’s a bit unusual for the first tornado scare to be so early in the Spring like this.  They usually don’t start until later.  To say Mea was freaked out by the storm, is a huge understatement.  When the sirens started she was a mess.  We went to the basement mostly to ease her mind.  We gathered up all three cats, and the dog, and hung out in Mack’s room until the sirens quit blaring.

She still was worried hours later.  Since we live in Tornado Alley, she better get used to it.  It’s just part of living in Iowa.  Truthfully, I really like a good storm.  Especially if I know that I am tucked in at home and not going anywhere while it’s happening. 

A few funny things from my lady during the storm last night. 

“Momma, if the tornado gets us, will we go to Munchkinland?”

“Momma, will the tornado suck our roof off?”

“Daddy, get away from that window!  My teacher says you can’t be by the windows during a tornado!”

Yesterday at school school, the kids made volcanoes and made them erupt with baking soda and peroxide.  Mea’s lava was yellow.  She got to pick her own color.  She was very excited at getting to see it erupting.  Apparently volcanoes aren’t scary since we don’t have any in Iowa.

For some reason, she keeps giving me this cheesey no top lip grin.

Also, with a missing tooth, volcano sounds like bolcano, and lava sounds like laba.  This precious girl just cracks me up!

One Comment on “>Tornadoes and Volcanoes”

  1. Jen says:

    >I would be terrifed to land in munchkinland! What a great thought process.

I like thoughtful comments!